Women’s Self-Connection Retreat 2024

You are worthy of self-love at the ocean


Do you feel stuck in the season of life you are in?

Maybe your job, your relationship or your health isn’t where you know your potential is?

Do you feel happy, but like there is still something missing?

Do you feel more like you are hitting a wall, but you know there is MORE for you?


• EXCITED & ENERGIZED for the agenda before you?

• Feeling a DEEPER CONNECTION to your partner, your children, your friends?

• With more PEACE & SERENITY (even through times of struggle)?

• Less self-judgement and judgement of others, less disappointment and let down?

• With a SPRING IN YOUR STEP that you know is attracting more positivity and love into your life?

If ANY of this speaks to you, I want to ask you something.

What if you could connect to your abundant source of love, compassion, and forgiveness for YOURSELF so that you feel more guided, more confident and more joyful?

Welcome to the Self-Connection Retreat to finally return back to your own infinite source of self-love, self-compassion, self-celebration!

This retreat is designed FOR YOU, through inspiration, using the healing power of the Pacific Ocean as our host!

You have ALL the answers, courage and love INSIDE OF YOU to create and live the life of your dreams!

“Falling In Love with Myself at the Beach 2023 was a magical experience. Jenny’s self-fulfillment and self-acceptance sessions brought us joy and hope. The oceanside breathwork with Jamie touched us deep inside. I can’t wait to go again next year!”

What is included in the cost

  • Two nights at H20 Hermosa Beachfront Hotel, located steps from the sand and quaint shops/restaurants at Pier Plaza

  • All nutritious meals, plus snacks.

  • A day-and-a-half of loving, spiritual and fun workshops reconnecting you back to YOU

  • An opening night rooftop reception, a Friday night sunset dinner experience & a special closing day celebration

  • A beauty gift bag with lots of special retreat essentials

  • Years of growth, healing, love and connection to last a lifetime.  

Maybe right now you’re…

In a job that feels unaligned or feels lack-luster, and deep down inside you know there is a purpose you’re meant to pursue.

Feeling conflicted, unhappy, insecure, or even frustrated with your body.

Disconnected from important relationships in your personal life, often feeling disappointed, irritated, frustrated, or contentious.

Wishing you were more compassionate with yourself and feeling exhausted from hearing your inner-critic most of the time.

Craving deeper female connections, a safe community where you know you belong exactly as you are.

You will come away with a deeper connection to yourself and authentic friendships


  • Re-connect with your inner wisdom & your inner strength, tapping into your abundant self-worth and self-confidence

  • Learn from the compassionate part of yourself so that it becomes louder than the critical part

  • Forgive yourself for baggage you’ve been carrying for decades

  • Connect with nature, the ocean, and feel the healing properties of this powerful and magical source

  • Celebrate & honor yourself in a supportive, safe community

  • Make deep, meaningful connections that will last a lifetime

Jenny Drake
Your Host & Self-Love Coach

Jenny has been coaching for a decade, hosts the “Falling in Love…With Yourself” podcast and has published “A Year of Self Love” journal and card deck.

Jenny’s retreat sessions will include practices in self-connection, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, self-soothing, self-celebration and inner-child connection.

What you experience at this retreat will stay with you forever more!

This retreat will open doorways and create new pathways that you can’t even imagine yet!

You don’t want to miss out on this life changing opportunity!

We cannot wait to connect with you at the beach!

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© 2022 Jenny Drake